Andrea Coates, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Kentucky where she received her MSW from the Univeristy of Kentucky. In addition to her 17+ years of experience in the field of mental health, she has also spent the last six years assisting adult adoptees and those experiencing MPE/NPE as a volunteer DNA …
Brooke Randolph, LMHC, LPC, LPCC-S
https://www.greenhouseindy.comBrooke Randolph, LMHC, LPC, LPCC-S, is a therapist, author, speaker, and trainer. Her primary specialty is adoption, particularly working with adult adoptees, but she has enjoyed working with MPE individuals and found many similarities to work with late discovery adoptees (LDA). She is the Founder & Executive Director of Counseling at The Green House where …
Erica Van Leuven, LCPC
https://pacificmind.orgErica has been working in mental health for 22 years. Erica got into this line of work because of her sheer love for spending time with children and realizing how much she could impact their lives by spending time truly focused on them. As education enhanced this belief and substantiated this approach, it was a …