Dr. Gina Daniel, DSW, LCSW, PhD
https://www.ginadaniellcsw.com/Dr. Gina Daniel, DSW, LCSW has been working as an outpatient counselor in private practice since 2012 in central Pennsylvania. As a school social worker for over twenty years, she has extensive experience working with adolescents, however, works primarily with adults in private practice. It is her belief that there are a number of benefits …
Erika Schmitt, MSW, LSW
https://www.childrenshomepgh.org/staff_members/erika-g-schmitt/Erika Schmitt is a social worker licensed in the state of Pennsylvania. Erika’s background is in adoption and she is also Director of Adoption & Permanency at The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh & Lemieux Family Center. As the agency’s counseling services were expanding beyond post-adoption work, and Erika became aware of the need for counseling …
John Moyer, LPC
https://newdirectionspgh.com/I discovered my MPE status after my sister and I tested in 2019. The numbers were off and I realized that I had no matches on my birth certificate father’s side. I was mostly hurt that I would not be inheriting Dad’s longevity since he lived to be nearly 100 years old. My younger brother …
Mary McIntosh, LCSW, BCBA
https://www.communitycounselingllc.com/Mary McIntosh is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Virginia and Pennsylvania) and a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst. She has been interested in genealogy for over 40 years and has been working with people who have experienced NPE for the past ten years. She is currently working on her dissertation with a focus on the mental health …