Amy Groessl PhD, LCSW
Whether you wish to gain clarity about a life challenge or seek to resolve a deeper change from within, our work together will present an opportunity to rework the patterns that may be disrupting your relationships or preventing you from fulfilling your life goals. I am trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy, viewing our therapeutic relationship as …

Andre Jones, LCSW
http://www.solutionsar.orgAndre is Co-Owner and Managing Partner of Solutions Counseling Group, here in Little Rock. The staff consists of male and female clinicians of color, with the insight and experience to serve the unique needs of a typically underserved population. Andre has a particular passion for helping brothers become their optimal selves. He wants every black …

Annette Becklund, MSW, LCSW, NBCCH
https://annettelbecklund.com/Annette is a licensed clinical social worker and nationally board-certified clinical hypnotherapist and heart-centered hypnotherapist. She is also a level 2 EMDR clinician. Annette is in private practice and works with children and families and has a specialty in Autism and developmental differences. Primary concerns revolve around loss, anxiety, trauma, depression, and other mental health …

Brooke Randolph, LMHC, LPC, LPCC-S
https://www.greenhouseindy.comBrooke Randolph, LMHC, LPC, LPCC-S, is a therapist, author, speaker, and trainer. Her primary specialty is adoption, particularly working with adult adoptees, but she has enjoyed working with MPE individuals and found many similarities to work with late discovery adoptees (LDA). She is the Founder & Executive Director of Counseling at The Green House where …

Carla Barnes, MS, LPC
http://carlabarneslpc.com/I first became familiar with misattributed parentage in 2017 with the discovery that I had an MPE myself. The emotions that I felt were unexpected, and led to feeling alone because no one around me understood what I was going through. What I learned through this experience is that there are others out there like …

Carole LieberWilkins, MFT
http://www.LAFamilyBuilding.comCarole is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice and author of Let’s Talk About Egg Donation: Real stories from real people. Her experience creating a family through adoption and egg donation deepened her understanding of the challenges faced when exploring complex family building options. Because the focus of her work has always …

Cotey Bowman, MA, LPC Associate
https://newheightscounseling.co/about/Supervised by Brandi Smith, MA, LPCS Cotey has a soft spot for working with MPE clients as they navigate their surprise DNA discoveries, late discovery adoptions and donor-conceived experiences. This passion to help comes from discovering that he has an MPE. Cotey understands the emotions that ensue from a experience such as making an unexpected …

Danielle Zink, LMHC
https://www.greenhouseindy.com/danielle-zinkDanielle works with clients ages 11-24. She is passionate about helping clients explore identity and build self-esteem. She deeply values personal growth, in both her private and professional lives. To that end, she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision. She approachs counseling with a trauma-informed lens and a focus on solutions …

Delmaliz Montes de Oca, LCSW
http://www.solhealingtherapyct.com/Delmaliz Montes de Oca is a bilingual, bi-cultural therapist clinician helping adults struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, and the stressors of parenting. She obtained her Masters in Social Work from the University of Connecticut in 2006 and has over 16 years experience working with a variety of populations. Delmaliz specializes in working with the MPE …

Dori Kavanagh, LCSW
http://www.dorikavanagh.comDori takes great pride in helping patients become the narrators of their own stories while on their journey to healing. She’s passionate about working with those that identify as part of a more complex family formation, including those that are a part of the adoption constellation, those that are struggling with an infertility diagnosis and considering …

Dr. Alissa Beuerlein, PhD, LPC-MHSP
https://dralissacounseling.com/Dr. Alissa Beuerlein is a licensed professional counselor (LPC-MHSP) in private practice in Nashville, TN. She has her PhD and Master’s degrees in clinical counseling. Dr. Alissa specializes in complex trauma, using Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) among other trauma-aware therapeutic interventions. Dr. Alissa also specializes in working with people with attachment trauma, such as …

Dr. Gina Daniel, DSW, LCSW, PhD
https://www.ginadaniellcsw.com/Dr. Gina Daniel, DSW, LCSW has been working as an outpatient counselor in private practice since 2012 in central Pennsylvania. As a school social worker for over twenty years, she has extensive experience working with adolescents, however, works primarily with adults in private practice. It is her belief that there are a number of benefits …

Dr. Krista Driver
http://www.mariposacenter.orgKrista was born to a teen mother and was a child of the foster care system for four years before she was adopted. Dr. Krista Driver started out as the epitome of the “underdog.” It was as an adult that she discovered she was also an NPE (non-parent expected) and has focused her clinical practice …

Elizabeth L Barton, MSW, LCSW
https://allcounseling.com/therapists/elizabeth-l-barton/I’m here to offer you a warm and compassionate space in which to discuss what may be getting in the way of being happy in your life. Because life can be difficult and challenging, perhaps you are struggling with anxiety, depression, being overwhelmed,or feeling stuck. You may also be self-critical and put yourself down and …

Erika Schmitt, MSW, LSW
https://www.childrenshomepgh.org/staff_members/erika-g-schmitt/Erika Schmitt is a social worker licensed in the state of Pennsylvania. Erika’s background is in adoption and she is also Director of Adoption & Permanency at The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh & Lemieux Family Center. As the agency’s counseling services were expanding beyond post-adoption work, and Erika became aware of the need for counseling …

Eve Sturges, MA, LMFT
http://evesturges.la/Using her education, compassion, and experience, Eve helps individuals, couples, and families heal their pain. Eve’s therapy is an eclectic blend of Jungian depth psychology and a contemporary utilization of creativity. Clients are asked to collaborate in the therapeutic process, thereby embracing the power within themselves to create change. By developing small pieces of inspiration …

Franette Mok, MA, LPCC-S, ATR
https://www.checkpointcounseling.comHello, let me introduce myself, my name is Fran. I am accepting new clients including those who are dealing with a misattributed parentage experience. Currently I am working with this population in the state of Ohio. I offer over decade of professional experience working as a counselor and art therapist helping individuals manage mental or …

Gus Ozmun, LMHC, LAC
https://www.greenhouseindy.com/gus-ozmunGus specializes in addictions and recovery. He is a Certified Brainspotting Therapist and also enjoys CBT and Gestalt therapies. Gus is becoming an adoption competent therapist. Gus is licensed in the state of Indiana.

Hilary H. Myerberg, MSW, LICSW
https://www.seattlefamilysupport.org/I believe in building strong connections with my clients. From this foundation, we can identify challenges and address patterns that no longer serve you, allowing us to make meaningful progress toward your goals. Together, we will work gently but steadily to ensure lasting change. I specialize in trauma, anxiety, stress management, life transitions, identity exploration, …

Jana M. Rupnow, MA, LPC
https://www.janarupnowtherapy.com/Jana is a licensed professional counselor and consultant specializing in fertility and family building. Her best-selling book, Three Makes Baby-How to Parent Your Donor-Conceived Child, introduced the “five common fears” that parents face as they contemplate having a non-biological child. Thousands of readers around the world have trusted the wisdom and guidance because she knows firsthand what it’s …

Jason Hobbs LCSW, MDiv
http://www.jasonhobbslcsw.comJason B. Hobbs, LCSW, MDiv, is a licensed clinical social worker in an outpatient mental health clinic. He has been in private practice for fifteen years in addition to having worked in hospice and homeless services. Jason also pastored a small United Methodist congregation near Savannah for three years. Jason’s own journey with a DNA …

Jennifer Bivona LCSW ORLICSW WA
http://www.hiraethpsychotherapy.comGreetings, my name is Jenni and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I’ve spent the last fifteen plus years , mostly in Chicago, working in areas such as sexual abuse/assault and domestic violence, community-based trauma and mental health, neighborhood-based health care, and corrections. I currently reside in the pacific northwest, on the border of Portland, OR and Southwest …

Jill Copeland, LCPC
Jill is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in the state of Maine. She is also able to provide telehealth services to residents of Florida. She has been working with children, adolescents, adults and families for more than 25 years. Her work has always had a strong trauma focus and she is trained in EMDR. Her …

Jodi Klugman-Rabb, LMFT, LPC
https://www.jkrabb.com/Jodi’s passion for the NPE population was born from her own 2016 DNA discovery, leading her to create the Sex, Lies & The Truth podcast, the Finding Family blog on Psychology Today and pioneering the only clinical training for mental health professionals she coined Parental Identity Discovery™. Jodi uses her expertise to guide people and …

John Moyer, LPC
https://newdirectionspgh.com/I discovered my MPE status after my sister and I tested in 2019. The numbers were off and I realized that I had no matches on my birth certificate father’s side. I was mostly hurt that I would not be inheriting Dad’s longevity since he lived to be nearly 100 years old. My younger brother …

Joni Mantell, MSW, LCSW
https://iaccenter.com/“I understand that finding a family member through adoption search/reunion or DNA discovery is just the beginning of the journey, not the endpoint. The emotional reactions come in layers, and I can help you work through each complex feeling, question of identity, and relationship as we revise your personal narrative to include this new information.” …

Kate Murphy, LCSW
http://katemurphytherapy.com/Anxiety, depression, grief, and childhood trauma are my specialties. This work coincides well when working with adults who are processing the unique and often overwhelming misattributed parentage experience. Exploring a client’s unique story is a huge privilege and I take the work I do very seriously. I know that it takes a lot of guts to enter …

Laura Sullivan, MSW, LSW
https://www.goodtherapycincy.comMy approach to therapy is authentic and relational. I seek to meet you where you are on the journey of exploration and healing; whether for trauma, depression, anxiety, daily life stress, or life transitions. My passion is to help you heal your inner wounds and cultivate a compassionate relationship with yourself, and healthy relationships with …

Lesli Johnson, MFT
http://www.askadoption.comLesli Johnson is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Coach specializing in adoption and related issues. Her clients include members of the adoption and foster care community and individuals with misattributed parentage experiences (MPE). An adoptee in reunion, Lesli’s personal experience allows her to connect with this community in a unique way. Lesli is …

Leslie Pate Mackinnon, LCSW
https://lesliepatemackinnon.com/Leslie Pate Mackinnon is a therapist who specializes in issues that impact families conceived through adoption and third-party reproduction. For three decades she’s been sharing her expertise on these topics at conferences and events across the country and around the world. Her lived experience is that of a first mother who relinquished two sons for …

Lisa Floyd, LMHC
https://www.greenhouseindy.com/lisa-floydLisa is an adult adoptee who understands what it is like to not know biological parents, search for them, and work out the complexities of a relationship. Her approach to healing trauma is to involve the body in therapy and to begin to process trauma emotionally for deeper healing. She employs a trauma-informed approach, which …

Lynne Spencer, MA
https://www.metamorphosiscoaching.online/Lynne is a Certified Spiritual Life Coach. She has 40+ years experience as a Masters Level Psychologist and Psychiatric/Behavioral Nurse. Lynne is currently practicing as a Life Coach, with virtual appointments available anywhere. Her special areas of interest include donor conception, adoption, NPE, and Mind-Body-Spirit integration. She has written two books about donor conception/MPE, including: …

Mary McIntosh, LCSW, BCBA
https://www.communitycounselingllc.com/Mary McIntosh is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Virginia and Pennsylvania) and a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst. She has been interested in genealogy for over 40 years and has been working with people who have experienced NPE for the past ten years. She is currently working on her dissertation with a focus on the mental health …

Mindy Grulke
http://marriageandfamilyfocus.comMy primary focus is building an authentic client-therapist relationship. I aim for my client to fully understand that our space is judgment-free where they can feel safe. With my unpretentious authenticity, I hope to make individuals feel like they are at home. I possess a practical, down-to-earth approach that allows individuals to feel the support …

Moses Farrow, LMFT
http://www.mosesfarrow.comMoses Farrow, LMFT specializes in Trauma and is an Educator, with a background in marriage and family therapy. Having been adopted transracially from Korea into a high profile family with multiple adopted siblings, he raises awareness for issues of racism, adoption reform, mental health stigma, and suicide prevention. With over 20 years in the mental …

Nancy Freeman-Carroll, Psy.D
http://www.drnancyfreeman.comI am a licensed clinical psychologist-psychoanalyst in private practice since 1996 in New York City. I received my doctorate in clinical psychology from Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, and my certificate in psychoanalysis from The William Alanson White Institute in 2001, where I am currently a Supervising Psychoanalyst. I hold a …

Stephanie Leftwich-Needham, LMHC, ATR-BC
https://www.kaleidoscopearttherapy.org/I have spent much of my life seeking a way to blend a deep desire to help people with my need for creative practices. A love of stories led to studies in English and then teaching Rhetoric and Writing at the college level. While I enjoyed crafting language and analyzing texts, engaging with my students …

Taylor Rose-Allen LPC-MHSP(temp)
http://taylorroseallencounseling.comTaylor has spent the majority of her life in Nashville, TN. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Belmont University in Religion & The Arts, as well as a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Trevecca Nazarene University. Before beginning her career as a counselor, Taylor owned her own company employing and working with sexually …

Tim Mallory, MFT
https://www.greenhouseindy.com/tim-malloryTim enjoys family therapy and working with high conflict couples. He’s a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University, with a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is working under supervision as he pursues his Indiana MFT Licensing. His passion is working with teens, couples, and families through conflict and crisis. Change is …

Tori Montgomery, LCSW, MSW, BSW
http://Freshfocuscounseling.comTori has been practicing in her field for over four years. She graduated from Florida Atlantic University with Honors, specializing in self-discovery and interpersonal conflict. She uses a compassion-focused and strength-based approach to uncover and process your self-discovery journey. You’ve spent years trying to better understand your family of origin and always felt something was …