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Experienced Therapists, Coaches, and Genetic Counselors Apply Now!

Are you a therapist, coach, or genetic counselor with experience assisting people with misattributed parents (MPEs), an NPE, or DNA surprise; donor conceived, (genetic/bio and raising/adoptive/recipient) parents, or anyone impacted by loss of genetic continuity?? If so, we want YOU in our directory! This is your opportunity to join a growing family of over 60 counselors, therapists, and coaches to make a difference in the lives of MPEs!

When applying, please remember to email a headshot photo to This photo must be a minimum of 2″ x 2″ x 300 dpi

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I am a ... (you can choose more than one)
I have taken the "MPE Aspects 101" Course
Available at
How many MPE/NPE/Adoptee Clients have you Treated?
Include your experience related to adoption, assisted reproduction, and NPE (non-paternal event) clients including your personal experience, if any, as part of the constellation.
Please include your license number(s)

Or perhaps You wish to Learn?

Are you a Therapist, Counselor, or Coach looking to expand your knowledge? We’ve got you covered there, too! We offer over 30 accredited continuing education courses and webinars, all tailored to educating you on MPEs, NPEs, and Adoptees!